
Of course while doing a very large project, things come up and things have to get done. This week it will be very busy as I have multiple tests and 3rd quarter grades are coming to an end. With that being said, I also work basically all weekend so I will have little to no time to create significant progress with the project. This week I was supposed to begin taking pictures and drafting my double page spread, however I will moved things around so it can fit my schedule.

Doing this project requires me to go to the beach and take pictures, which will be difficult to get to.
So… how do I plan on overcoming this? Well to do this I will have to work backwards. Meaning that this week should include me making a draft of my double page spread and begin to think of ideas for the article that will be included on my magazine. Also, I will begin to use the magazine creation software called Canva, but I will be posting drafts of it with other pictures provided by the software, which I will change once I do get to taking my pictures at the beach.

Thankfully, next week is spring break which should prompt me to take pictures since I will have ample time to do so, also I should be able to create significant progress with the project...

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