Finally I finished my double page spread. Here it is: One obvious difference is the background color. I changed it because it deviates from normal magazine conventions, and it simply looked more childish. Besides that, I basically just added my article and did a couple of finishing touches. The final product is basically the same as what I have posted for the table of contents and cover page. The next two posts will contain my final product and CCR.
In this blog post I will be primarily talking about colors and fonts to put on the magazine. But first my group and I have come to final decisions on magazine issue locations... I will be doing Miami, Gabriel will be doing Panama, and Jose will be doing Switzerland. Jose would have done Venice but he didn’t have enough properly photographed pictures for the magazine in Venice, so he decided to switch to Switzerland. Now that we have that down, let’s move on to our magazine production! I have very little time this week to actually start taking pictures for the magazine so I will be doing more basic things that will help me create my magazine once I do take the pictures. One of the most important things in any sort of picture is to set a mood or a “vibe”. This can be acheived by using certain color palettes since there is psychology behind seeing certain colors. The color palette I will like to focus on will involve cool hues. This is because cool hues convey a sense of...
Finally I found some time to create drafts of both the title page and the table of contents. Here it is: Right off the bat it's important to note that these are not my pictures. I will be incorporating my pictures to some structure that looks like this. All I have to do is actually go and take the pictures. When I do take the pictures I will critically analyze the weaknesses of my magazine thus far. Next up should be drafting a double page spread...