Brainstorming A Genre...

We now have solitary groups and have basically decided that our magazine is going to be more picture oriented. Not too much drama, just simple and basic since it can easily capture our target audience. Of course to get a target audience we must first establish the genre my group and I will be focusing on, but which genre should we choose?

Originally, my group and I mainly focused on a National Geographic inspired magazine that displays nature’s beauty. Also, each individual issue produced can be very unique in its own way which makes it that much more interesting. However, after some thought it was ruled out because of the difficulty and lack of equipment to properly and effectively photograph certain animals.

After more thought we decided on doing a car magazine since our city and school is home to some very wealthy individuals that would allow us to photograph their car for our magazine. However, car magazines are not popular and the fact that each member has to do a different issue, each issue would likely lack creativity and uniqueness. On the other hand, me and my group are very family with cars and their functions in which making a car magazine would be enjoyable and simple.

These are two examples of car magazines:
These magazines are obviously aimed to a very specific audience which may affect our final decision on the genre we choose.

We had also thought of doing a travel magazine. Like the National Geographic magazine, a travel magazine focuses on photography of nature to capture the beauty of nature, however, this photography is more subtle since it can be done with less equipment and precision while still creating a great photo. Also, travel magazines are much more popular than car magazines and still follow the simplistic and effective photographical approach my group and I could take.

Here are two examples of a travel magazines:
Like I said before, this magazine follows our idea better, however it will still be difficult to take a picture that will promptly capture an audience.

Basically it comes down to a car magazine or travel magazine...

Search: “Travel magazine” on Google
Search: “Car magazine” on Google

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